Resonate Edition 34 | Page 8




This interactive small group study guide explores the themes of authentic relationships and faith sharing over a two episode series .
• 2 x 20 minute episodes downloadable at www . globalinteraction . org . au / ResonateVideos
• 1 x leader ’ s guide
• 1 x activity sheet for each participant
• Pens , pencils or textas
• Modelling clay ( optional )
1 . Start watching the episode , press pause each time you reach a ‘ pause ’ point and go to the relevant pause point discussion or activity in the leader ’ s guide .
2 . But don ’ t let us stop you ! Pause whenever you want , ask extra questions and roll with the fruitful tangents .

Leader ’ s Guide

Session One
Start Episode 1 : Authentic Relationships
• Do you agree that people are most likely to be open to conversations about Jesus in the context of an authentic relationship ? How do you put the ‘ authentic ’ in authentic relationship ?
• Find ‘ Session One - Art ’ on your activity sheet . Visualise an authentic relationship by drawing lines to mimic string on the oval . Then ask each person to share the meaning behind their creation . Don ’ t worry , the point is to make it meaningful not beautiful !
• What surprised , interested or struck you from the discussion ?
• Read John 4:1-42 . What lessons of authentic relationship can we learn from this story ? How does this short encounter differ from the long-term relationship Peter has with Jesus that Lisa reflects on ?
• How do you respond to the patron / client relationship model that Ben references ? Can a relationship be authentic if an unequal status is placed on each party ? What if it is the cultural expectation of your context ?
• Like Julie , what ‘ hat ’ do you need to take off in order to journey with people ?
• Find ‘ Session One - Debate ’ on your activity sheet . Split the group into an affirmative and negative team . Give the teams time to jot down arguments in response to the debate topic , then debate it out and declare a winner . Hint : It ’ s a tie ! Speaking and listening are both crucial .
Session Two
Start Episode 2 : Faith Sharing
• Find ‘ Session Two - Art ’ on your activity sheet . Either draw in the box or use modelling clay to visually represent what gives you the courage to share your faith . Then ask each person to share the meaning behind their creation .
• Find ‘ Session Two - Statements ’ on your activity sheet . Respond to the following statements by pointing to a letter ( representing go , pause or stop ) and then invite people to explain their choices .
It will be awkward > I won ’ t know what to say > What if they ask hard follow up questions > We ’ re not good enough friends yet > I don ’ t want to lose a friend > My beliefs are mine and their beliefs are their ’ s
• Were you challenged by any of Petra or Dave ’ s responses ?
• What surprised , interested or struck you from the discussion ?
• How was the Gospel first shared with you and how has your understanding of it developed ?
• Petra shares that in the Silk Road Area , reconciliation is a powerful starting point for Gospel conversations . What could be a relevant starting point in your cultural context ? What has been your experience ?
• Read Acts 1:8 and Matthew 28:16-20 . Who is called to go to the ends of the earth ? How do you see your primary and secondary calls interacting in your life ?