Resonate Edition 34 | страница 2

Resonate Talk

Hello … from the editor

Not so sure about these assumptions ? Why not start a conversation with us , we ’ d love to explore more with you .
I know it ’ s dangerous , but I am going to begin with some assumptions .
Assuming that one , we accept that God ’ s heart is for all people to experience life in Jesus and two , that our vision to see people in leastreached communities follow Jesus in their own distinctive ways aligns with God ’ s heart … then we have a BIG question to answer . How ?! How will communities from Thailand to Tasmania be transformed by the message of Jesus ? Or how will even just one person be transformed ? And how will they hear the message in a way that makes sense to them ? Or even have ears to hear it at all ?
If you flip back to the cover of this edition you ’ ll see an illustration from Australian illustrator Ben Sanders . In it , we ’ ve tried to capture the complex

Resonate Talk

Episode 1 : Authentic Relationships Episode 2 : Faith Sharing
www . globalinteraction . org . au / ResonateVideos
‘ answer ’ to these far from simple questions . Take a really good look . How do you interpret the cover illustration ?
From the complete acknowledgment of our need for God and to listen to Him , to the importance of authentic relationships and not being afraid to have the ‘ real ’ conversations … there are so many layers to the extraordinary partnership God invites us into . As you flip the pages , you will see that each article of this edition of Resonate adds another layer into the mix . It ’ s far from a road map , but it is a collection of stories and lessons from ordinary , obedient people partnering with an extraordinary God .
Ok , let ’ s get into it ! Teagan
Lisa , our QLD Young Adults Consultant , hosts this edition ’ s Resonate videos . Think talk show , slash game show , slash thought-provoking conversation injected with fun ! She is joined by a range of guests with global and local mission experience . They ’ re definitely worth a watch .
Plus find the two week small group study guide for these episodes on pages 7 – 8 of this edition .
Discover what all the fun is about at www . globalinteraction . org . au / ResonateVideos resonate · issue 34 · page 1