Resonate Edition 34 | Page 10

But how can it happen here ?

Former cross-cultural workers share lessons learnt from the field and how they ’ re putting them into action back in Australia .
Lesson Learnt :

How to Value People

Looking back on my years in rural Malawi , one of the key things I leant was how to value people . Walking through the village , each person is acknowledged and greeted individually . I remember once becoming quite sick with a flu . One of our dear friends and her sisters made a trip of about 50 kilometres to come and pray for me . I was so touched that they would make such an effort .
Back in Australia , I can see how difficult it is for migrants and refugees to grapple with the English language . I remember one of our earliest friends in Malawi who would visit us from time to time . He always spoke slowly for me and listened carefully with great patience in our conversations . How kind and encouraging he was !
In Australia we are time poor and our busyness can take precedence over our value of people . In Malawi , community is treasured . Effort is made and time is spent . For me to reach out to my neighbour in Australia , I find I need to import some of the essence of the richness of relationships demonstrated to me in my Yawo friends .
resonate · issue 34 · page 9

We Can do Nothing Without Him

After being in South East Asia for two years , we began a Café ministry . This was to be the platform through which we could practically empower local people , build relationships and share the Gospel . Starting the Café was a crazy God idea and it led into a crazy busy time . I had to learn another language , culture , tax system , employment system , work culture and the list goes on . Not to mention we had three kids aged five and under at the time . The busier I got the more I squeezed out God .
It did not take long before I was totally overwhelmed and at the end of myself . God clearly said to me at that time , “ Why on earth are you trying to do this by yourself , have you forgotten who I am ? I am God and I can do immeasurably more than you ask or imagine .”
So much of what we are presented with declares itself as the best method or strategy to becoming effective in our ministry . But these strategies are largely ineffective if we have not developed the strategy of depending on God and abiding in Christ as our principal strategy . Now I am back in Australia , I know this all the more because He enabled me to realise that He can do a much better job than I ever can !

Serve in Your Passion

Before we left for Cambodia in 2004 , one piece of advice I received was to be engaged in work that I was passionate about . Why ? Because there ’ s an infectious attraction towards those who do great work which brings themselves and others life . People want to know you .
And so I did . I ’ m passionate about relieving pain and teaching others to do the same and I spent 10 years in Cambodia doing these two things . Among my Khmer colleagues I became accepted , respected and even liked . These relationships only strengthened over time and the long-term commitment opened opportunities to share Jesus . The Gospel always has the power to save , but it seems to be heard clearer when the teller is known and respected . That takes time .
I ’ ve been back in Australia now for five years . What have I learnt from Cambodia ? Be someone who has ‘ life abundant ’, commit to doing life with others long-term and genuine opportunities will arise to ‘ give the reason for the hope you have ’.