Keen to grow an edible
garden, I purchased a
number of fruit trees for
our backyard that suited
our sub-tropical climate.
My friend Google told
me I needed to prepare
the soil for each tree in
spots where they had the
best chance of thriving.
For the citrus trees, I was
instructed to make sure
the ground didn’t retain
water and test the location
before planting in it. So,
I did test the hole and in
testing it, found it wasn’t
Others might have seen this as a
prompt to reconsider the positioning
of the plant… but not I! I ignored the
advice, planted my poor lemon tree
there and watched it die within the
year. I did not take the attributes of
soil and the preparation of the tree
In cross-cultural work, we ignore
the context to our own peril. A faith
grown under protected, nursery-
like conditions, a faith that isn’t
prepared for the soil of another
location, is unlikely to transplant
well. Locations like Thailand have
been largely resistant to the Gospel
for many years with foreign-grown
church styles failing to thrive. Global
Interaction is seeking to empower
communities of Ethnic Thai believers
to develop their own distinctive way
of following Jesus – in ways that
can thrive in the Ethnic Thai context
because they have grown out of it.
Watch: Episode 2 – Where you are Planted
Discuss: Reflect:
› › A clear understanding of the
differences between Buddha and
Jesus was very important for Nan
Tong. What distinction between
the two led Nan Tong to choose
Jesus? › › What are the weeds (distractions)
and rocks (obstacles) to the
Gospel in the soil of our society?
Which of these do you see in your
own life and/or community?
› › What things did Nan Tong
mention that he appreciated
about his fellowship and why he
wanted others to join them?
› › How is Nan Tong’s faith
community different from your
Luke 8:4-15
Read through the parable of the soils
and its explanation.
In these verses:
› › The farmer was sowing the seed
of the Word of God into many
different types of soil.
› › The four soils represent four
responses to the Word.
› › Some people will be resistant;
some will be open but their faith
will wither under testing; others
fail to mature in their faith due
to distractions; and finally others
will persevere and be incredibly
› › What contrast between Jesus and
the “gods” of our current context
might be compelling to someone
who is genuinely open to Jesus?
› › How does knowing that some
soils will be resistant impact your
› › Seek God for His direction on
how we can better support one
another in our faith community so
that we can have a greater impact
with those around us.
› › Ask God for the courage and
wisdom to share His Word with
one person this week in a way
that is relevant to their lives. Share
your experience with the group
next week and learn from each