Resonate 42 | Page 21

30 years ago I visited Yuendumu in the Northern Territory with a few others from our local church , which was connected to the Baptist mission workers there at the time . Concurrently , I became very involved in the Indigenous training college in our country town run by Aboriginal Evangelical Fellowship , and loved getting to know some leaders .
20 years ago we made a family road trip to Central Australia . And then eight years ago I visited Yuendumu again .
My wife Beth and I knew our days of full time work were coming to an end . We were ready to downsize and relocate . We wondered about an intercultural role in the next season . Was it overseas ?
We talked with lots of people , including many working with various mission organisations . We knocked on some doors . We attended a discernment weekend run by Baptist
Mission Australia . We wondered about our responsibilities for our aging mums . Was it fair to let others bear the increased workload caring for them ?
Three years ago a prayer call went out for team members to join the Outback Australia team . In ways only God could organise , many things lined up simultaneously and we soon felt peace to apply . Abraham ’ s call in Genesis 12 , Jeremiah ’ s call in Jeremiah 1 and Jesus ’ declaration in Luke 4 each impacted us in a fresh way .
We were able to join an imminent visit to Yuendumu by Baptist Mission Australia national team members . I slept again in the same mission house I had worked on 30 years ago ! We bonded deeply with Mat and Shannon who were serving there .
Now Yuendumu has become our base as we walk alongside the Warlpiri leaders and others . God wonderfully keeps building on our journey . Our story continues as we keep learning so much in the remote southern desert communities .