Resonate 41 | Page 15

Muana is discipling Kasem to lead this group of believers . Even with limited education , he eagerly accepts this role . With intention and gentleness , he sat at the head of the table during our meeting .
Kasem was raised as a rice farmer , but is now a self taught builder . While he showed me his rice paddy , storm clouds began to roll in . We swiftly left the fields and crossed to the other side of the street where Kasem showed me his vegetable garden and the fish farm he constructed himself .
When I ask how his life has changed since becoming a follower of Christ , he answered , “ I used to worry about all the decisions I have to make . I ’ d feel anxious and pressured to make the right decision . Now I don ’ t worry any more . I see that God has been protecting me all along and I believe He will continue to provide for my every need .”
Our time together was too short . During this half day trip , the most moving thing to me was experiencing the community , hospitality and generosity of the Thai villagers .
I was also stirred by the re-realisation that God is at work in all corners of the globe , calling people to Himself .