Resonate 40 | Page 18

Partnership tapestry

Nat is one of our amazing supporters . She faithfully partners with Suzanne who is preparing to join the Silk Road Area team .
In this piece , Nat shares her thoughts on the interlocking nature of Kingdom partnership .
On committing to partner
As someone who has served interculturally and learned to speak another language , I know firsthand the isolation that can come from it .
I remember feeling like nothing made sense . Especially in the early stages , communication with locals is very difficult . So I know the incredible encouragement of having people pray , write and call . That ’ s why I choose to actively partner with people like Suzanne .
On Senders and Go-ers
The relationship between the sender and go-er is very important . I know how challenging moving into an intercultural environment is . There are language and cultural barriers , as well as different outlooks on life .
This can be an extremely daunting experience for the go-er . And so knowing there are people who are praying for them , encouraging them and supporting them is vital . Even when they spend time back in their home country .
As a sender , it ’ s my privilege to pray , encourage , write and call so the go-er knows - in a tangible way - that they are not alone . We are all part of the wider family of God .
It ’ s a beautiful weaving of sending and going , partnership and call - we ’ re woven together in God ’ s mission and story .
On Kingdom Partnership
For me , partnership in God ’ s mission means using what God has given me for Him . It means investing in ministries that allow people to hear and respond to the good news of Jesus .
God has given us so much ! Our finances , skills , abilities , time and more . Everything God has given us is an opportunity to invest in Kingdom work .
My motivation in using my gifts to partner in God ’ s mission , is to encourage others who are sharing His love .
On Giving
I give to support others as they share God ’ s Word with people , particularly those who have not had the opportunity to hear it before . Or who need encouragement and discipleship to grow in their faith in God .
This enables the go-er to work in the place God is sending them , and to devote their whole time to their ministry .
I like to pray and ask God whom He is asking me to support and how much . There are so many good causes out there , but to me , it is important that people have the opportunity to hear God ’ s Word in their own heart language .
I believe that God provides all our needs . And so if God has put a cause on my heart , then I can trust Him to supply my needs as I give .
On Prayer
There are many challenges serving interculturally , even more so when sharing the Gospel . Prayer is vital .
Prayer also encourages the go-er as they know that they are not the only ones lifting their requests to God . There is power in followers of Jesus agreeing together in prayer . And God delights in answering these prayers .