Resonate 39 | Page 8

Crossing the Street

Doug Hamilton Baptist Community Church , VIC
I am crossing the street through our local Parkrun . Over the last four years , we ’ ve built friendships that are now producing regular Gospel conversations .
Emma Narrogin Baptist Church , WA
As a nurse I get to minister to those in my community after hours . Also , as a foster carer , I support other foster carers .
Melanie Baptist Mission Australia , Malawi
Inviting people to come to hear God ’ s word is always scary . What if they say no ? Navigating this in a different culture complicates things even further .
I met two ladies recently and wanted to invite them to the women ’ s group , but an opportune moment hadn ’ t arrived . So I committed to praying about it .
That very next day I met both husbands whilst walking to the market . This was my moment ! They already knew about the group of women who met regularly , so I explained that we studied God ’ s word .
Both men responded positively and expressed that they were honoured that their wives should be invited .
Later that week , both of these women turned up to the group ( and they haven ’ t missed a week in the last four months !).
Deb Baptist Mission Australia , Cambodia
Crossing the street is the essence of what we are doing daily here in Cambodia .
I recently joined a group of Khmer women who exercise publicly on the side walk . While communal dance aerobics is not really my preference for a fitness regime (!), I do love the coming together of women of many backgrounds , economic status and stories . Communal exercise is a leveling and unifying experience .
For me , the experience didn ’ t translate into well-coordinated in-sync moves , but it did provide an opportunity to be with and learn with a community of Khmer women , expressing care , joy and abandonment . And as we become more than familiar with each other , we became an exercise family .