Resonate 38 | Page 11

The Three Lines
“ Together , the three lines are a picture of partnership . This ministry is built on partnership : Partnership with each other as an Australian Baptist movement sending and supporting intercultural workers . Partnership with God in His mission . And , increasingly , partnership with aligned organisations and initiatives globally and locally .
We can only do this together . Thank you for being part of the team .”
Susan Campbell , Associate Executive Director
The Intersecting Lines
“ These two lines represent our commitment to walk alongside those we are called to serve .
Walking alongside others is core to our mission because it reflects Jesus ’ example . Compelled by love , Jesus makes His home among us and walks alongside us .
The lives of those we walk alongside originate from different contexts and emanate hues that contrast with our own . Because of this , we spend much time reading between the lines .
The First Line
“ I love how the first line represents God ’ s Spirit . It reminds me that we follow His lead . After all , He gives and sustains life and the whole universe exists for Him .
But as we journey as alongsiders , our lives overlap theirs and the lines intersect – depicting the convergence of their stories with our stories in the hope of moving forward together in God ’ s grand story .”
David and Carole , South East Asia
This line questions my day to day practice . Am I prioritising His voice over human reason and experience ? Am I listening for fresh directions He might be giving , or blindly reproducing familiar expressions of His Kingdom in my context ?
Dependence on God takes time and is messy . It doesn ’ t follow recognisable markers of productivity . But it has to come first because He is the direction-setter .”
Susie , Mozambique