How did we get here ?
Pete and Nomes track six key moments in their journey from New South Wales to Central Asia .
Our journey towards intercultural work began in 2005 , when Nomes and I went on a short-term overseas trip . As we spent time in another culture , we deeply sensed God ’ s heart for people of all nations . Together we prayed a prayer of commitment : whatever God ’ s calling might be for us , we were open to His leading .
In order to discern God ’ s call on our lives , we felt that we needed to take steps to actively pursue Him and listen to His voice . Over the next few years , we studied at Bible College , worked in local pastoral ministry , journeyed with intercultural agencies and visited the Global Interaction team in South East Asia . During this time , we felt a growing call to full-time ministry , but we still didn ’ t know in what capacity .
We joined Global Interaction , but still didn ’ t know where we were being called .
Over time , through various conversations and circumstances , the Holy Spirit increasingly put the H people of Central Asia on our hearts . In mid-2016 , we spent a week with the team serving there . As we debriefed and prayed afterwards , we were convinced that God wanted us to go to Central Asia .
Want to hear what happens next ? Listen to episode 5 of Global Interaction ’ s
Missioning podcast with Pete .
www . globalinteraction . org . au / Missioning
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Seven years passed , during which we got married , moved to Sydney and had our first child . In 2012 , we began to look into buying a house . During this process we realised that we really needed to seek God ’ s leading in this decision . Was He calling us to settle down and be in Sydney for the long-haul ? Or did He have other plans for us ?
In mid-2015 , we went away on a Global Interaction discernment weekend . During a time of quiet prayer and reflection , Nomes and I both felt deeply convicted that God was calling us to intercultural work with least-reached peoples . Although we felt inadequate for such a task , 2 Corinthians 12:9 assured us of His call and enabling , “ My grace is sufficient for you , for my power is made perfect in weakness .”
Having spent 18-months in preparation , in early 2018 we finally boarded a plane destined for Central Asia . On reflection , our story is one of God ’ s persistent prompting and our trying to remain open to His call . We are so grateful for His faithfulness and patience through it all .