(01) That this conference call for a boycott on workfare schemes that seek to exploit some of the most vulnerable people in our society. There are currently several schemes which place benefits claimants on compulsory unpaid work placements. These include: “Mandatory Work Activity” The misleadingly named DWP “Work Experience” programme and “Community Action Programme”. Each of these schemes mandates a jobseeker to work without pay on threat of loss of benefits. (02) need to act in solidarity with the most vulnerable in society, many of whom We are members of our organisations, to protect benefits as part of defending society against a wider attack on the welfare state. (03) call upon the TUC, the Labour Party and other sympathetic organisations to lobby We the government to withdraw the mandatory element from these schemes. Real jobs with real pay.
Workfare Schemes
Resolution 02
BGCM Resolutions 2013/2015 | GFTU