ReSolution Issue 22, September 2019 | Page 3

Resolution Issue No. 22

01 from the editor
03 resolution in brief
09 commercial landlord and tenant disputes: three reasons why arbitration is so popular
13 Mercosur and the european union agre historic and ambitious trade agreement
16 case in brief: english court allows section 69 appeal on point of law against award issued by judge arbitrator clause: Equitas Insurance Limited v Municipal Mutual Insurance Limited [2019] EWCA Civ 718
21 tribunal opens for canterbury earthquake claimants
24 making mediation mainstream in scotland
29 expert determination or arbitration? a dispute about how to resolve a dispute
31 farm debt mediation scheme convention: A Panacea for Trade in the Trans-Pacific Region or Just One Piece of the Puzzle? Part three of a six part series
43. negative people
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Expert Determination for Accounting and Financial Services

Model Clause: In the event of any dispute or difference arising out of or in connection with this contract, or the subject matter of this contract, including any question about its existence, validity or termination, the parties must refer that dispute in the first instance to Expert Determination in accordance with the Expert Determination Rules of the New Zealand Dispute Resolution Centre.
To secure the appointment of an expert determiner contact NZDRC at [email protected]