ReSolution Issue 21, June 2019 | Page 26


By Gloria Masters

Have you ever wondered how it is that some people attract loyalty and commitment effortlessly? Or that they make time show an interest in people around them?

If you answered yes, you have just recognised some key attributes effective communicators have, and with a little time and energy spent - you can be one too! There is a misnomer out there that communication is a ‘softer’ skill and therefore doesn’t need attention paying to. In other words, we all communicate and should know how to do this easily. Nothing could be further from the truth. If in doubt, consider these questions:
• Who are the people you feel the most uncomfortable with at work?
• Who is well known to you and others as being difficult to deal with?
• When you consider times of unhappiness at work whose face or faces usually come to mind?
If you found that you had the same names for each - that is not a coincidence. These people are clearly not good communicators, and could be the reason you, and possibly others - would consider leaving your place of work. This area of workplace effectiveness should not be ignored for any longer – the impact poor communication has on others is measurable in terms of motivation, culture and even the amount of sick days taken. Everybody needs to think about what they contribute to their communication at work and each individual needs to consider this: when interacting with others are you leaving them with a brick or a bouquet? If the former is true you need to look at what can be changed so that you are more positive and insightful in your communication.
There are several attributes an effective communicator has – let’s see which ones you embody and the ones you feel need your attention:
Are you?
A good Listener
The important point is that all of these attributes need to become part of your communication repertoire. For you to succeed in business - realise that ‘you do not do business with business you do business with people!’ Those same people know what you are like to deal with, so - how do they view you? If that is too hard to answer, then think about aspects of your interactions that you feel good about, and start to recognise the ones you would like to be more effective at. Also look at the other side of the coin and consider the last time you had an unpleasant interchange with someone, because of how they communicated with you. Be aware that you may not always remember exact words said, but what you will never forget is the way they said it, and that is what underpins all communication at work. The impact you have on others!
The way something is stated, a missive is delivered or a change is implemented is exactly what people take on board when next they either discuss the situation, have further meetings or interact with you again. If you are considerate and genuine in your communication – people will not mind meeting with you. If on the other hand you are abrupt, dismissive and ‘far too important’ to worry about the quality of your interactions, you will struggle to garner loyalty and commitment from others. If in doubt think about the teams in your Company that ‘work’ – I would bet they are run by someone who communicates well. This person will be empathic and genuine in all their dealings with others.