Residential Estate Industry Journal | Page 45

GOVERNANCE PAGE 45 Membership Features and Benefits Member Services Newsletters professional service providers Regular, up to date information, including interesting articles and statistics for directors/trustees and managers. Member website and Benefit Access to member page to discuss current issues, learn from fellow members and gain insight into past issues and solutions experienced by other communities, as well as a direct link to the ‘panel of experts’ who answer critical issues across all disciplines of community management. Member starter pack Includes membership certificate, essential best practices and information for trustees and estate management teams who want to fully benefit from ARC membership. Resources library Extensive library of resources, standards, benchmarked best practices and comprehensive range of tried and tested tools and templates across the disciplines of estate management. Service provider listing Access to graded, best of breed service providers that meet the quality and integrity criteria set out by ARC. Chapters Network with colleagues and industry experts through a managed, yet decentralised, Chapter network on estate management issues. Events and seminars Exposure to critical issues, face-to-face interaction with industry experts on a range of estate management topics. Annual national conference Invitation to attend national networking conference at member rate, which includes international guests addressing estate management issues and concerns. Audit survey tool Access to a standard process to conduct audits and surveys within the residential community. ARC Publication Regular publication for HOAs and management teams as well as an information and education publication for home owners. National Stakeholder Directory One united voice lobbying national bodies on issues relating to the residential estate industry at large. Rights & Responsibilities Charter Unifying the industry against a set of internationally benchmarked standards. and specialists. You can also find business partners and product & service providers who specialise in community association services. •Deepen your knowledge, ARC’s publications and specialised newsletters provide in- depth analysis of legislative trends and practical articles concerning community association finance, law, security, operations management, communication and future residential community developments. •Expand your thinking, ARC conducts extensive research and acts as a clearing house for information on innovations and best practices in community association governance, management and esteemed, organised community living. •Nurture your community. Nurture your community in areas such as governance, finance and administration, environment, construction and engineering, security and communication by facilitating audits and providing advice on gaps and action Additional Services Benefit Strategic planning session A facilitated strategic planning session culminating in a five-year strategy and implementation plan for the community. Membership of CAI Chapter (CAISA) Estate manager access to a continuous professional development (CPD) programme. Full audit A comprehensive audit conducted for all disciplines of estate leadership and management with recommendations from a team of experts. Volunteer workshops Attendance at workshops covering all aspects of estate leadership and fiduciary responsibilities of an elected trustee/director. Manager workshops Attendance at workshops covering all aspects of estate management. Attendance at AGM community. Back-up and attendance at annual and special general meetings. Attendance at meetings Back-up and attendance at resident meetings and board meetings. How to Apply for Membership Own HOA/estate website A ready-made, customised integrated website for the estate. Project management Access to a range of project management interventions covering all areas of estate management and leadership. HOA newsletter The design, development, publishing and distribution of your estate newsletter to all residents in the community you serve. required. Who joins ARC? Associations (the Homeowners’ Association, a board of directors or bodies corporate) of residential developments, communities; i.e. estates, townhouses, resorts and complexes, etc. All volunteer leaders, board members, director/trustees, committee members and management of an estate are included in membership access and membership fees are specific to the type of residential •Call 0861 HOA INFO (0861 462 463) •Register via the website application