Residential Estate Industry Journal | Page 68

5years The Next T he industry is currently under parliamentary focus and faces some potentially negative legislative changes, emanating from such government branches as the Departments of Transport, Human Settlements, Tourism, Local Government, Sport and Recreation and Natural Resources. Such pending legislative activity might give the impression that the residential community industry is in a state of chaos and in need of state intervention, however this is inaccurate.Residential communities are well organised and have contributed to over 1 million sustainable jobs to the South African economy. Many residential estates employ people from townships and villages, from rural areas and from the most disadvantaged human settlements in South Africa. Our industry is very diverse and includes restaurants, hotels, golf courses, nature Estates, retirement villages, residential estates, schools, office parks, shopping centres, eco resorts and mixed-use townships. We are part of a global phenomenon as self-managed residential communities proliferate around the world, and we are a recognised and highly respected member of the global residential community management industry. There is a misperception that our industry is controlled by, for example SAPOA (Property Owners of South Africa), the property development industry, the real estate industry, the hospitality industry or the golf industry. The truth is that the residential community industry is an industry on its own, and is managed by itself through significant and evolving legally compliant structures.We are a diverse, multi-disciplinary industry requiring a unique range of skills, competencies and lea \