Residential Estate Industry Journal | Page 11

Advert ABOUT THE OFFERING James Wright has negotiated an Exclusive Investment Solution for ARC member Estates Discovery Financial Consultants: Features: -NO initial costs NOR Commissions -NO penalties upon withdrawal 65 Clinton Road,New Redruth,Alberton.RSA -Lowest possible management fees -Ad Hoc investments can be made Po Box 1440,Alberton,1450.RSA -100 % allocation of FUNDS to be invested -Underlying funds can be structured according Tel: +2711 869 4646 -NO FIXED term to Individual needs. Fax: +2711 869 2064 -Up to 100% withdrawal on a 5 working day -Real Positive returns after Inflation and Tax Cell: 083 442 5059 notice period was accounted for . Mail: [email protected] -Certain Income Tax exemptions 2014/05/26 4:28 PM