Residential Estate Industry Journal REIJ 7 ARC Journal 2021 REIJ Vol 7 | Page 68



Residential Communities

Council ( RCC )

Following discussions at ARC Chapter meetings , and at recent ARC Annual Conferences , a majority of ARC members expressed the need for an industry representative body , an NPC that will be governed by industry members , and managed operationally by the Association of Residential Communities ( ARC ).
The Residential Communities Council ( RCC ) has developed an MOI as its founding document , and some of the ARC founding members , industry leaders , and ARC Chapter leaders appointed the founding directors ( incorporators ) during 2018 / 2019 .
The board comprises :
The MOI was amended at the Annual General meeting in 2020 . At the second Annual General Meeting of the RCC , which took place in September 2020 , the directors were re-elected , and Chris Weston was elected to the board .
The RCC will formulate , deliberate , and express the united voice , and be the representative body of the Residential Community Industry ( RCI ), including : all aspects of interaction between the industry and government ( whether national , provincial or local ), or any other statutory bodies ; as well as interaction with other public or private individuals , entities , or institutions with regard to matters which may be of concern or interest to the RCI or RCC .
Hannes Hendriks Chairperson
Dirk Uys Western Cape and Deputy Chairperson
Furthermore , it will establish , regulate and sustain national working committees ( NWC ) and regional working committees ( RWC ) on behalf of its members throughout the industry , to carry out the functions identified by the members as being consistent with those of a selfregulating industry . These regional working committees will nominate their respective members to serve on the board of the RCC . Regional working committees have already been established in all regions .
Stephan Vorster Gauteng East and South
Henk Booysen Gauteng Pretoria and North
The RCC will also ensure the effective representation to government at all levels , as well as civil society , as the single voice of the RCI , and establish and implement appropriate policy frameworks and policies for the RCI . Essentially , when we , as an industry , need to make representation to any level of government on specific issues , make comment on proposed legislation , or join any legal matters , it will be channelled through the RCC .