Residential Estate Industry Journal REIJ 7 ARC Journal 2021 REIJ Vol 7 | Page 58





SUMMARY The summary below is an overview of the introduction of a proposed collaboration framework strategy for the private property development industry , as it relates to the pre-deployment of fibre infrastructure .
The proposed framework was discussed over four months , and included three webinars , with private property development and management and Digital Council Africa . In addition to the webinars , digital communication and surveys were distributed to get a further understanding of the position of the market . The goal of the four-month campaign was to gather insight into the market ’ s understanding of fibre pre-deployment and to review challenges faced by property developers and residential community managers .
RESEARCH TIMELINE : October to December 2020
INTRODUCTION Prior to the start of this four-month introductory campaign , as an industry leader in the property development and residential community environment , Estate Living has been sharing information around the value of fibre infrastructure and connectivity since 2015 .
What we have noted during this five-year period is that the market has gone through stages of growth and development .
At first there was no or limited information in the market ; this led to housing communities being misinformed by operators , and quickly the reputation of the fibre industry was tarnished .
In 2016 , in collaboration with the Digital Council Africa ( then the FTTH Council ), Estate Living started an educational campaign .
Over the last four years we have seen a shift in the approach of community managers , the demographics and the needs of the investor in community living spaces . Existing residential housing communities were the early adopters of fibre and connectivity .
CAMPAIGN 1 – THE INTRODUCTION OF A COLLABORATIVE FRAMEWORK DOCUMENT With the launch of the first webinar , Estate Living ( on behalf of Huawei ) introduced a new concept of collaboration to South African property developers and housing community management . Huawei presented the various installation models followed internationally . The webinar coincided with proposed changes in the Communications Act . Based on the survey and engagement during and after the webinar , several challenges that community