Residential Estate Industry Journal REIJ 6 ARC Journal 2019 | Page 55

WHAT KIND OF LEGAL POWER DO HOAS HAVE TO ENFORCE THEIR RULES? or sometimes you can get a copy from the get payment. When conducting meetings, it is estate agent who sold the home. recommended that the board use a guide like Robert’s Rules of Order. This will allow orderly The main source of legal authority allowing Home owners who disagree with a rule should participation of HOA members, and assist an HOA to enforce its rules comes from the address concerns to the board. Rules can be the board in reaching decisions on important recorded MOI, and is bound by the Companies amended or revoked if they are unreasonable, issues. Act. Because the documents are recorded unnecessary or simply unwanted by most with the registrar, property owners become owners. revocation It is not uncommon for volunteer board legally bound by the valid provisions of will require a member vote at an AGM or a members to have little experience in running these documents when they purchase their properly constituted special general meeting. an HOA. For this reason, it is important that all properties. provide Voting requirements are usually found in the directors become familiar with the governing additional legal authority not contained in the documents. If owners disagree with a rule, documents. HOA’s documents. HOA actions are usually and are unsuccessful in getting it amended or outline the steps necessary for proper action, upheld in court if the authority is provided in revoked after following the proper procedures some situations may require guidance from the documents, or by statute, and the board within the HOA, the owners can always bring a someone with more experience. Most HOAs acts reasonably in carrying out the authority. legal action to declare the rule unenforceable. employ a management team to assist with However, this could become very expensive. administrative duties. Experienced attorneys HOA rules may also HOW DO I KNOW THE RULES IF I The amendment or While the documents often also provide the necessary assistance in BUY PROPERTY IN AN ESTATE WHAT ARE SOME OF THE The MOI and rules are recorded documents DIRECTORS? that buyers should obtain and read before Rule creation and enforcement are areas of buying. These articles permit the HOA to make concern. Owners will need – and deserve – Finally, rules and regulations governing the conduct adequate notice of any alleged rule violation, harmony can be sustained by encouraging of the members and the use of the common including an opportunity to be heard, before open property. The HOA should have copies of all any penalties are imposed. When owners fail between owners and the board. its current documents available for review, to pay levies, the board often struggles to GOVERNED BY AN HOA? COMMON PROBLEMS FACED BY interpreting and amending documents, levy collection, internal dispute resolution and other complex issues. and perhaps communication most and importantly, cooperation Pinnacle Point Estate — Clubhouse 55 INDUSTRY JOURNAL