Residential Estate Industry Journal REIJ 6 ARC Journal 2019 | Page 29

system so that it can be used to water gardens. The cycle is completed when the water returns to the reservoir.’ Added to this, all canal water is passed through a wetland to ensure that it is properly cleaned and in constant movement, which helps avoids the issues associated with stagnant water. GETTING BETTER ALL THE TIME Savvy environmental management is just one of the factors that sets The Islands apart. It is also distinguished by larger than usual stands, which feature homes best described as ‘island style’ with a heavy dose of Balinese influence. ‘We didn’t want to be too prescriptive when it came to architecture,’ says Dries. ‘We believe that we are united in our diversity.’ The structure of these homes, on separate islands linked by a main arterial, is also noteworthy, as it contributes to the security of the estate. ‘We are able to block off certain areas of the estate very easily, should the need arise.’ 29 INDUSTRY JOURNAL