Residential Estate Industry Journal 5 | Page 55

Establishing a preventive maintenance schedule • • discussion of material issues which, if not disclosed, would cause a distortion of the association’s situation • • reliable information provided by the association’s official Preventive maintenance is done for two primary reasons: representative regarding financial, physical, quantity or • historical issues. If associations do not maintain the components on the reserve schedule, they will not attain their full useful life. Consequently, the components will need to be replaced The reserve study process consists of four stages, namely: earlier and the replacement cost will need to be collected • • determining a reserve schedule over a shorter period of time. This could result in special • • establishing a preventive maintenance schedule levies being imposed. • • selecting a funding plan • • • developing an investment policy If associations do not maintain the components that are not included in the reserve schedule, they may require replacement, whereas if they were maintained, they would not. Determining a reserve schedule The flowchart below describes a preventive maintenance A reserve schedule is the financial summary of the reserve study. Its format depends on the funding method used, but its development will usually follow the steps detailed in the figure below. Step 1 - Review community documents to determine: Is the component part of the common elements? NO NO Step 2 - Is the component covered under a maintenance contract? YES NO Step 3 - Is the component included in another part of the budget? YES YES Step 4 - Is the component a piece of mechanical equipment? NO YES NO Step 5 - Is the useful life of the component within the selected time window? Step 6 - Is the replacement cost below the operating budget threshold? This item is a reserve item FLOWCHART FOR PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE YES SELECTING RESERVE SCHEDULE COMPONENTS YES schedule. Step 2 - Is the component covered under a maintenance contract? YES NO Step 3 - Is the component included in another part of the budget? YES YES Step 4 - Is the component a piece of mechanical equipment? NO NO YES Step 5 - Is the useful life of the component within the selected time window? Step 6 - Is the replacement cost below the operating budget threshold? This item is a reserve item This item is not a reserve item NO NO YES NO Step 1 - Review community documents to determine: Is the component part of the common elements? NO YES This item is not a reserve item This item should be on a preventive maintenance schedule 55