Residential Estate Industry Journal 5 | Page 9

6. The Estate Living web portal and content 11. ARC is an International chapter of the receives in excess of 450,000 impressions Community Association Institute (USA) where monthly and provides a place for estate all residential estate managers have access to marketing and reputation management. an international qualification and professional designation. ARC has established CAISA, 7. The ARC helpline is available to all members, which offers these internationally recognised where they deal with any day-to-day queries qualifications and designations. and challenges faced by residential estate 12. ARC established the Residential Community managers. Council (RCC) to deal with imposed legislation, 8. ARC runs conferences and workshops on various topics to build the capacity of and has developed mechanisms to ensure that the industry is empowered to self-regulate. residential estate managers and directors. 13. ARC constantly sources legislation affecting 9. Regular ARC chapter meetings are held where residential communities, residential estate managers network with each members, and other, thereby learning from each other on residential estate managers and directors to local, regional and national issues. alleviate risks attached to this legislation. runs imparts workshops this to assisting 10. Estate Living collaborates with ARC on content 14. The Estate Living–ARC partnership offers and the distribution of pertinent information residential estates and developments the most from these events to community managers, inclusive support structures, which include trustees, property developers and residents. estate and community management and internal communication and brand reputation, all to the benefit of unity within a community. E S TAT E LIVING For further information [email protected] [email protected] Visit | to see our current members, our chapters and shared insight into the community. 09