It may sound like an odd question, but it needs to be
asked – have you identified clearly and dispassionately
what it is that you are looking for in your new appointee?
This question resonates strongly with some of the myths
around needing to have a CA running your operation
when other skill sets may prove to be much more
relevant and valuable. • • the ability to identify new business
Are your needs custodial, i.e. are the finances on an even • • a working understanding of business finances – I
keel, the membership full and the staff well settled? This would remind you at this point that if you want a CA,
would require someone with custodial skills to keep
then go and hire one!
things moving forwards. Have you had high turnover • • the ability to design a new concept or strategic plan
in staff? In this case someone with more developed • • the ability to budget
personal and human resources skills might be ideal. • • the ability to manage the logistics and deliver on
Are decreasing revenues, a thinned out membership • • HR experience
and lowered revenues from events and sponsorships • • excellent communication skills
the problem? If they are, this would suggest the need for • • the ability to prepare and deliver presentations
someone who is innovative and with good promotional • • bullet-proof people skills
skills and entrepreneurial flair. • • a good grasp of F&B
• • a working understanding of the game of golf
• • the ability to firefight and crisis manage at an expert
Let’s say that the three original criteria for management
staff appointments are still in place, and these were:
1. Does the person seem likely to fit in well with the
existing team?
2. Do they already have the skills or can they, with
support, acquire them within a reasonable time
3. Would it be possible to find common ground in terms
of appropriate remuneration?
Then the real task for you as the employer will be to
have identified exactly what you need from the new
incumbent and to choose someone who already has
or can quickly acquire the requisite skills in order to
execute the business vision.
Of course, it may be that you have identified the problem
areas, but have not yet built or designed a solution, in
which case someone with strategic skills and a track
record in building and delivering new business plans
might be best. Alternatively, you could choose one
candidate with most of the required skill sets and
then set aside an allocation within the budget for a
consultant to be contracted to assist in specific areas
San Lameer
of the business plan.
So – outside of the specifics, what is the ‘right stuff’ that
can make you confident that you have found a good If this looks like one of those starry-eyed, dream-type wish lists
general manager? that you might see on a TV dating show and something that
would be impossible to find in the real world, then you might be
Along with any specific skill sets that you might have pleasantly surprised to find that it may not actually be as hard
been looking for will also be the ability to manage within as you might think.
the broad themes that run through any management
process. So if you are a ‘typical’ employer you will be Any good event manager will display all of these skills and more on
looking for as much bang for your buck as you can get, a day-to-day level in managing an event, whether as an employee
i.e. someone who will be able to do six jobs for one salary! or as a business owner.
John Cockayne, CEO Business of Golf