For a start, Easter is the most significant religious
Holy days, prayer and quiet
time for Christians, and many Christians also take
Christmas very seriously. In fact, some consider When planning events – especially important ones
the commercialisation of Christmas an affront to like AGMs – be sensitive to the fact that different
the spirit of the commemoration of the birth of religions worship on different days. For Christians,
Jesus, and many disapprove of the Easter egg hunt Sunday is holy, Friday midday for Muslims, and
because it is originally a pagan ritual. So, even within Friday evening and the whole of Saturday for Jews.
that one – nationally dominant – religion, there are Also be sensitive about fasting times, e.g. Ramadan,
sensitivities to be aware of. Lent and Yom Kippur.
For Muslims, Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Adha are the Food
most important celebrations. Eid-ul-Fitr, usually just
called Eid, is a day of celebration after Ramadan.
Eid-ul-Adha or bakri Eid is about ten weeks later, Clubhouses, restaurants and function venues are an
and involves animal sacrifice. Both celebrations start important part of residential estates, so you should
with a community-wide morning prayer. make them as user-friendly as possible for the
largest number of people that you can. Of course,
Diwali – the festival of light – is the main Hindu when it comes to food, it really is true that you can’t
celebration in the year. It is a time for prayer, please all of the people all of the time, but you can
family and feasting. Fireworks have become an try. Probably the most important aspect of dealing
important part of Diwali celebrations, so this can be with dietary restrictions (whether religious, cultural
problematic – as can the use of fireworks for secular or health-related) is openness and detailed menus.
celebrations such as New Year. Most restaurants have got into the habit of using
icons to indicate food that is vegan or vegetarian,
For community building, why not hold neighbourhood or that contains nuts, wheat or dairy, so it’s a small
gatherings for Christmas, Eid and Diwali? Everyone step to add more icons to indicate for example pork
loves to share their festivals, but – of course – most and alcohol. And progressive caterers are starting
people will want to be with their families on the actual to present mostly vegetarian food with tasty meat
celebration day, so plan low-key gatherings for a day dishes on the side for those who choose to eat it.
or two before or after.
Weddings and funerals
Weddings and funerals are important rites of
passage that involve intense emotions, significant
rituals and huge gatherings of friends and family. So
– in an enclosed community – they can be disruptive.
But they are also a great business opportunity for
estate clubhouse and/or function venues, so know
your stuff, be sensitive, ask questions and learn
as you go along. Funerals are handled differently
by different cultures – and different people within
those cultures. Most westernised people outsource
funerals, either to churches or to dedicated funeral
homes, but for many death and its aftermath are a
family and community affair.
Muslim funerals are held as soon as possible after
death, and nearly always at the next formal prayer
time. This means that – in many cases – there will be
very little warning. As soon as death is confirmed,
family members and close friends will start to arrive
at the home, and will ensure that the funeral takes
place promptly. In many cases, friends and family
will continue to gather at the home of the deceased
to pray every day for the next 40 days.
Traditional African funerals usually involve animal
Simbithi Eco Estate
sacrifice. Many people will return to the rural areas
for a traditional funeral, but more and more people