Success, Satisfaction and Scrutiny:
the Resident Engagement Toolkit
Practical steps
Below are the practical steps we believe will help you harness the potential of resident
involvement. Whatever your motivation, whether it’s boosting satisfaction, securing cost savings,
or enhancing accountability, they’ll help you achieve your goals. In common with other toolkits,
we’ve identified a number of themes into which the steps can be grouped. These are:
Laying the foundations
Designing the offer
zz A
gree your reasons for
involving residents
zz Get buy-in from board,
senior staff and residents
zz Make it everyone’s job
zz Build trust.
zz A
sk residents how they
wish to be involved
zz Provide a range of opportunities
zz Involve residents in procurement
and complaints handling
zz Allocate residents positions
on your board
zz Help residents to share
their thoughts online.
Recruiting and
retaining residents
Maximising potential
zz Offer training
zz Make scrutiny genuinely resident-led
zz Gather information from
various sources
zz Set clear guidelines for meetings.
zz D
emonstrate residents’ impact
zz Be proactive about recrui ѵ