Research User Group newsletter 2019 RUG newsletter FINAL version 30.10.19 | Page 8

8 NATIONAL STANDARDS You said: That this CTU guide was really good for more experienced members but might over face newer members who had no previous experience and had only been recruited for their ‘expertise by experience’ so their experience of living with the condition being researched. We did: We also produced a shorter version – one side of an A4 for newer members You said: Some members who are co-applicants found it hard to be involved in conversations around budgeting for PPIE within a new project We did: We produced a short simple guide to budgeting for new co- applicants and a guide to the role of co-applicants for principle investigators and chief investigators alongside a CTU Guide for the co- applicant role and a shorter version for newer members Robert Taylor Standard 3. SUPPORT AND LEARNING You said: Many members were confused over payments for their time and expenses due to changes in the university processes and changes in the benefits system. We did: We worked with the National NIHR INVOLVE payments group to update our ‘Rewards and Recognition policy’ including inks to updated information on the NIHR INVOLVE and Gov.UK websites We said: That PPIE team members felt that they and RUG members needed more support managing their emotional needs when working with groups involved in projects such as mental health projects on suicide and self-harm for example. We did: We liaised with the Mental Health Research Group lead and members of her team and the team from the South Staffs Mental Health trust to discuss this. The Mental Health research team said that they were happy to provide support and have a debrief with anyone that needed it after a meeting. We also approached the Keele Student Counsellors who put together a presentation of slides on ‘Mental health and the Research User experience: Psychological perspective’ From all of the information provided at these meetings we put together a short list of ‘Practical tips for the PPIE team in being aware of their own self-care and anticipating and supporting RUG member’s emotional needs. You said: It was really hard for new members coming into projects for the first time and as you were aware that the increasing number of project meetings could not be covered by just the PPIE team anymore – could we not use members of the Rug Steering Group as RUG Buddies We did: We worked with the steering group members to create a RUG buddy role description alongside a set of training slides on health and safety, diversity and inclusion data collection, and confidentiality in meetings for members undertaking this role. There has been a mind switch around how we need everyone on board in an organisation. That PPIE standards should not just be led by the PPIE team. It should instead be a change in culture so that everyone reaches those standards and the researchers actively get involved - Taken from the RUG Steering Group minutes