Research User Group newsletter 2019 RUG newsletter FINAL version 30.10.19 | Page 10
Standard 6. GOVERNANCE
You said: One of the governance roles that RUG members really struggled with was sitting on a
steering committee.
We did: We worked with RUG members already sitting on Steering Committees and a CTU Trial
Manager and Coordinator to co create a Clinical Trials Guide for RUG members sitting on a Trial
Steering Committee
You said: That there was an increasing need for co-applicants to be on studies, yet it was not very
clear on what the role included.
We did: We looked at what was available nationally, then created a guide to being a Co-applicant
for RUG members, alongside a one-page summary for new members and a one-page guide on the
role for research teams
School for Primary Care Research (SPCR)
This is made up of a collaboration of 8
universities of which Keele is a member. We
obtained some funding from the SPCR to help
us collaborate across the school on our
experiences of being a test bed centre for the
Standards and to share any resources that
came out of this work
Public Involvement and Lay Accountability in
Research and Innovation (PILAR)
This is a West Midlands collaboration of
universities, NHS Trusts and public
representatives working alongside the
National Institute for Health Research to
promote good practice in public involvement
collaboration we have been able to share our
Standards work with the members whilst
benefiting from their wide and varied
experiences of public involvement across
health research and service delivery.
UK Registered Clinical Trials Unit Network
Resources co-created with our Clinical Trials
Unit (CTU) as part of the Standards work have
been shared at National level and will input
into National CTU guides.
Faculty Users and Liaison Group (FUCLG)
This group was set up to bring together
members of the Faculty of Health and
Medicine across Keele to share good practice
for public involvement in health research
and education. Members of the PPIE team
have attended this since its inception and
resources from our standards work have been
shared and will go onto their website.
National Research Design Service
We have collaborated with the West Midland
Research Design Service to produce an RDS
Public Advisor role as part of our Standards
work and after trialling it here at Keele we are
hoping that it will be taken up regionally.
National Institute Health Research (NIHR)
The PPIE team have links at a national level
within the NIHR so this has allowed our
Standards work to align with national
priorities for public involvement.