Research & Sponsored Programs Report ResearchAnnual201819-electronic | Page 5
Sea3D Director Nicole Gislason and Lab Technician Christopher
Borthwick assemble an anchor replica for the Archaeology
Institute at the Sea3D Additive Manufacturing Laboratory in the
Historic Pensacola Village’s Museum of Commerce.
It starts with an idea borne from a professor’s
discussion with a colleague or student before
that researcher finding ways to integrate that
new concept into a lecture or a student thesis
project. After which, she will work with RSP staff
to identify potential funding mechanisms and
spend considerable time writing and revising
proposals, responding to sponsor comments
and critiques to further revise and re-submit a
successful proposal. At UWF, research admin-
istration facilitates these processes while cel-
ebrating the accompanying accomplishments:
thesis defenses; undergraduate research presen-
tations; faculty research seminars and colloquia;
and (hopefully) the grant or contract secured to
start up again the whole cycle.
Research engagement describes our plans to
strategically and intentionally launch efforts that
connect UWF student and faculty researchers
with non-UWF personnel, places and concepts.
Applied research may take the form of an in-
dustry partner bringing into a classroom a re-
al-world problem that becomes the subject of an
interdisciplinary student research team project
or pairing a military or private-sector client with
a faculty researcher to investigate solutions to
tomorrow’s challenges. No matter the specific
form, this research engagement links our aca-
demic community with professional partners to
expand the impact of UWF research beyond our
physical and virtual classrooms and laboratories.
To best capture the efforts and impact of all
our staff, the Division of Research and Strategic
Innovation will transform the Office of Research
and Sponsored Programs into the Office of
Research Administration and Engagement for
the 2019-20 academic year. You will start seeing
changes immediately, and we plan for a full
launch by August 2019. We remain dedicated to
supporting and expanding the ways that UWF
faculty and students pursue excellence via re-
search and scholarly activities, while fostering
a connection between academic experts and
off-campus partners. In all these efforts, we look
forward to working with and supporting UWF
research in all of its forms.
Go Argos!
Matthew Schwartz, Ph.D.
Interim Assistant Vice President of Research
Director of UWF Office of Research and
Sponsored Programs
2018-2019 Research Annual Report