Research & Sponsored Programs Report ResearchAnnual201819-electronic | Page 3

Graduate student Amy Brower, junior biology major Lauren Doubek and dive safety officer Fritz Sharar sample water to check for lionfish DNA in the Perdido River. Welcome from the Division of Research and Strategic Innovation Dr. Pamela Northrup Greetings Alumni and Friends, We are thrilled to offer the University of West Florida’s 2018-2019 Research Annual Report and share some of the noteworthy impacts being made this year by our researchers. Research is housed in the Division of Research and Strategic Innovation. This new division was formed in January 2017 by President Martha Saunders to shine a light on the culture of research, the economy, workforce, strategic partnerships and strategic higher education innovation. Our team of big-thinkers, business experts and radical innovators strives to provide solutions that make a lasting, positive impact on the social, economic and technological landscape in the communities we serve. UWF’s research is impactful within our community as well as to the far reaches of the globe. Strategically, we have several areas of focus including multidisciplinary research, research visibility and the ongoing connections to industry for collaborative research and student and faculty engagement. Multidisciplinary Research. The Reubin O’D. Askew Institute for Multidisciplinary Studies was formed in 2017 based on a recommendation from UWF’s Task Force on Research and Scholarship. The Institute was funded through a generous gift from Fred Levin — who requested to name the institute after his former law partner, Reubin O’D. Askew. AIMS is as a one-of-a-kind approach to teaching and learning, while integrating humanities and science to solve community problems and inspire relevant research. Dr. Wade Jeffrey, distinguished university professor, 2018-2019 Research Annual Report was appointed as founding director of the institute. Research Visibility. As an example of creating visibility for UWF researchers, the Innovation Institute worked closely with faculty researchers across all colleges to combine storytelling with engaging media highlighting what our researchers are investigating on and near the Gulf of Mexico. UWF Gulf Stories researchers’ impactful work is helping us better understand invasive species, concerns with microplastics, turbidity, erosion from hurricanes, historical discoveries, underwater archaeological finds and more. Learn more about Gulf Stories by taking a free, online course, listening to interviews on WUWF (“Gulf Stories Moments”) and on Connections to Industry. Several examples of working with industry to support student and faculty research are included in this annual report. From the Center for Cybersecurity to the Sea3D Additive Manufacturing Laboratory, GEOData Center, Innovation Institute and the Center for Supply Chain Management Excellence, collaborative solutions are being designed and launched for the future. Thank you for your support of UWF research! Dr. Pamela Northrup Vice President of Research and Strategic Innovation, University of West Florida 3