Research & Sponsored Programs Report ResearchAnnual201819-electronic | Page 11
“We felt that the Haas Center had a unique
opportunity and perspective to help our com-
munity get a handle on the economic impact of
Hurricane Michael,” said Amy Newburn, assistant
director of the Haas Center. “Not only do we
have experience with the serious consequences
of major storms, but we also have spent the past
25 years studying our region and its economy.”
The dashboard tracks the overall economic
impact, as well as statistics on jobs lost, Federal
Emergency Management Agency assistance
grants, timber industry losses and the number of
insurance claims in the two counties.
“The Haas Center’s mission is to provide com-
petitive intelligence and decision support for
business, government, nonprofits and academic
institutions,” Newburn said. “Ultimately, what we
want to be able to do is apply our two decades
plus of knowledge and methodological rigor to
research questions that will aid institutions in
making data-driven decisions.”
Clockwise from top:
Damage left after Hurricane Michael hit Mexico Beach, Florida.
Michael W. Myhre, CEO of Florida SBDC Network, is hugged
by small business owner Caroline Malcom after talking to him
about getting disaster assistance.
Small business owner Dr. Ahmed Rezk, a pediatrician, gets help
from Business Consultant Johnny Branch in the Florida SBDC
Network emergency response Mobile Assistance Center.
Myhre speaks to small business owners affected by Hurricane
The Florida SBDC Network emergency response Mobile
Assistance Center, deployed to Panama City, Florida after
Hurricane Michael hit.
Workers and residents survey damage left after Hurricane
Michael hit Mexico Beach, Florida.
2018-2019 Research Annual Report