Research Platforms' Performance Reports TMB 2015-2017 | Page 3

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report covers the activities and the evolution of the Tropical Medicine and Biology (TMB) Multidisciplinary Platform over the period of 2015 to 2017. The TMB was started in 2013. From the start its research focus has been closely aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and national priorities in food, medicine and the environment. The research of the TMB is grouped into clusters; the initial clusters were called Genomics, Telemedicine, Infection and Immunity and Tropical Biology Education. In 2017 the TMB consisted of Genomics, Food Security and Biodiversity, Health and Infectious Diseases, Human Genetics, Systems Biology of Viral Infections, Clinical Medicine and Telemedicine. The research in Telemedicine will be absorbed elsewhere this year. The period from 2015-2017 has seen a sustained increase in the scientific productivity of the TMB and a renewed focus on areas of particular interest to our region. The Genomics cluster produced the first draft sequence in the world of the Arowana, building on other work on aquatic organisms. The Food Security and Biodiversity group investigates rice, microbes and tropical organisms. The Health and Infectious Diseases group takes a lab-to-community approach to viral diseases, particularly dengue and chikungunya, and works across the whole spectrum to protect the community. Human Genetics is a new cluster and builds on the stellar work on indigenous groups in our region. Systems Biology of Viral Infections is also a new cluster and is based on a deep understanding of the host-cell interactions following influenza infection. The Clinical Medicine Cluster seeks to link Monash capabilities in the hospital with its capabilities in the laboratory. The Telemedicine cluster forges cutting-edge links between healthcare and IT through its research and meetings. In addition, the TMB supports seed research in the expectation that some these projects will lead to excellence and either be merged into one of the existing clusters or be the nucleus of a new cluster in the future. Activity highlights of the TMB platform are to be found in this report. 2