Research Platforms' Performance Reports BRIMS 2015-2017 | Page 7

Microtome Micropipette Puller Key Techniques and Services Histology • Basic histology • Immunohisto/cytochemistry • Immunofluorescence • In situ hybridisation • Multiple labeling • Cryosectioning • Vibratome Imaging • Digital slide scanner • Confocal microscope • Multiphoton microscope Drug Discovery Platform Platform Leader: Associate Professor Tomoko Soga The Drug Discovery platform encompasses expertise in the first steps of the drug discovery process (target identification and validation, hit finding and lead optimization), contributing significantly towards lead time and cost reduction involved in the process from initial project proposals to the start of their clinical phase. It also endeavours to kindle innovation in biological research by providing access to cutting edge drug screening and evaluate resources with a particular emphasis on developing novel drugs to improve human and animal health, and biotechnological improvement of aquaculture for food security. iPS Cell Facility In 2016, induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) facility was created by the Drug Discovery Platform at BRIMS. The facility is located at Building 3 Level 3 which consists of: 1) two procedure rooms equipped with biosafety cabinets, CO 2 / O 2 incubator, refrigerated centrifuge machine, dual fluorescence cell counter and a nucleofector unit; 2) an imaging room equipped with Nikon TE2000 with a high resolution cool CCD camera (DXM-1200C) and control software (ACT-1 and NIS-Elements D). Observation, image capturing and image data analysis of bright field and fluorescence samples for iPSC culture can be done using the imaging software (NIS elements D3.0). 6