Research Platforms' Performance Reports BRIMS 2015-2017 | Page 52

CONTACT US Brain Research Institute Monash Sunway (BRIMS) Jeffrey Cheah School of Medicine and Health Sciences Building 3, Level 3 Monash University Malaysia Business hours: Monday to Friday 9.00am – 6.00pm Closed on weekends and public holidays. Enquiries T +60 3 5514 6306 F +60 3 5514 6341 E [email protected] A research platform by Monash University Malaysia Jalan Lagoon Selatan 47500 Bandar Sunway Selangor Darul Ehsan Malaysia Course enquiries T +60 3 5514 6000 F +60 3 5514 6001 E [email protected] The information in this report is correct at the time of publication. Monash University Malaysia reserves the right to change the information in line with updates, from time to time. Please check the website ( for the latest information. Produced by Campus Research Management Monash University Malaysia Copyright © 2018 Monash University Malaysia, DULN002(B) August 2018 Co. No. 458601-U (Date of establishment: 20 March 2000)