Research Platforms' Performance Reports BRIMS 2015-2017 | Page 39

SUPPORT FOR UNDERGRADUATE AND POSTGRADUATE STUDENTS Academic courses/program No Name of Course Course code Course category Course Management (Undergraduate / Postgraduate) Course Structure 1 Doctor of Philosophy 0047 Postgraduate Jeffrey Cheah School of Medicine and Health Sciences 3 years (research and thesis component, and professional development training program) 2 Master of Biomedical Science 2977 Postgraduate Jeffrey Cheah School of Medicine and Health Sciences 2 years (research and thesis component) 3 Bachelor of Medical Science (Honours) M3701 Undergraduate Jeffrey Cheah School of Medicine and Health Sciences One-year honours (coursework and research project) 4 Bachelor of Science (Honours) S3701 Undergraduate Jeffrey Cheah School of Medicine and Health Sciences One-year honours (coursework through seminars and a major research project) 5 Young Scholar Program Undergraduate Jeffrey Cheah School of Medicine and Health Sciences Short-term internship for Malaysian students who received full or conditional offer for the MBBS (Hons) program 6 Research Scholar Program Undergraduate/ Postgraduate BRIMS Short-term internship for Malaysian and international students from Pre-U to postgraduate level to gain hands-on advanced biomedical sciences knowledge and techniques 38