Research European Commodity Market Regulations - Part 2 | Page 7

European Energy Market Regulations – Survey Results manual and systems to perform portfolio reconciliation. A further 16% will use software only while almost a quarter do not know how they will do it. When asked how they intended to perform the portfolio reconciliation activity, only 10 respondents replied. Of these, 60% said that they intended to exchange files with each relevant counterparty on an agreed date and Figure 4: Portfolio Reconciliation then using their system to perform the reconciliation, 16% 16% 25% said that they would use an 16% outsourced service 26% that takes the trades 26% and works out the dates, as well as performing the reconciliation, while one respondent had Using a system Combination of system and manual not yet decided. Manual only Don't Know No Answer We also asked how many extra man-days of effort per quarter would be added by the new reconciliation rules to their workload. Only 11 respondents answered but they suggested a range of values from three mandays/quarter to as high as 30 man-days/quarter and an average of 16.8man-days of additional effort per quarter. © Commodity Technology Advisory LLC and ETR Advisory Ltd, 2013, All Rights Reserved. December, 2013 7