Research European Commodity Market Regulations - Part 2 | Page 4

European Energy Market Regulations – Survey Results Background and Approach A component of the European Regulatory study conducted by ComTech advisory and ETR Advisory was to survey the market regarding overall preparedness for the regulations. The following report outlines the results of that survey providing analysis and discussion of those results. It should be read in conjunction with Part 1 of our study, which is available for download at The survey was conducted from August 7 to November 25, 2013. We used email requests, direct calling, articles, blog articles, and website pop ups and banners to drive responses as well as asking vendors in the space to solicit responses from their clients. Despite this and the length of time that the survey was open, we experienced a very poor rate of response and in the end; we managed to collect some 42 responses in total but eliminated 11 incomplete or invalid responses to be left with 31 usable responses. Software vendor ́