Research European Commodity Market Regulations - Part 2 | Page 21

European Energy Market Regulations – Survey Results operation to a proactive, secure web service. Clients upload their data against their counterparties onto the triResolve website, and the results of the reconciliation are available on the website. All types of OTC derivative transactions (IRS, equity, CDS, FX, Commodities, etc.) and all product structures (plain vanilla to bespoke) are accommodated in triResolve. There are no data format requirements; triResolve normalizes the data that each institution submits. Matching information is available to users at the portfolio level or at the individual transaction level. Users can communicate on the triResolve platform both internally with other departments in their institution or externally with their counterparties to investigate differences. triResolve’s advanced analytics and reporting functionality allow users to drill down to any level of the data in multiple dimensions and produce reports targeted to the needs of any audience from the most senior credit officer to the head of collateral management. During the last year, triResolve users have expanded the application of triResolve’s reconciliation functionality to trades beyond the collateralized OTC derivative transactions initially included. Uncollateralized OTC trades, cleared transactions, exchange-traded transactions, securities lending trades and repo trades are also reconciled on triResolve in response to the need for greater precision in counterparty credit risk management. Emphasizing the versatility and adaptability of the service, triResolve clients also reconcile their collateral positions. Most recently (June 2013), TriOptima and DTCC announced the DTCC trade repository will make client data available to TriOptima to support data verification and portfolio reconciliation of trade repository data. TriOptima will be the first service provider to directly receive DTCC repository data for this purpose underscoring TriOptima’s commitment to interoperability and innovation in a changing marketplace. Interested in establishing connectivity to additional repositories, TriOptima also announced that it will connect to REGIS-TR when it goes live in January 2014 under EMIR rules for transaction reporting. TriOptima, an ICAP Gr