Research Article 2014 WRR Burdekin sediment budget | Page 3
Water Resources Research
Figure 1. Burdekin River catchment map indicating the five major subcatchment areas (Upper Burdekin, Cape, Belyando, Suttor, and
Bowen Rivers) and flow gauge/sediment sample locations, as well as the Burdekin Falls Dam and end-of-river (near Ayr) gauged sample
locations, all represented as white circles. The location of the ungauged minor tributary sample sites are also displayed as gray circles
across the catchment.
900 m in height also form the western boundary of the Upper Burdekin, with large areas within this sub-
catchment strongly undulating, draining into an incised river channel lined with inactive terraces and high
upper banks. Eucalypt savannah woodlands dominate the Upper Burdekin subcatchment. The Bowen
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