Research Analysis Reports Frontier Pharma-Hepatitis C Market Research Report | Page 2

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After nearly a decade of minimal progress in the development of hepatitis C therapies , the treatment landscape of hepatitis C has evolved substantially in recent years . This has resulted in an increasingly competitive market landscape , and several oral regimens that combine DAAs from different nonstructural ( NS ) HCV protein families - NS5B polymerase inhibitors , NS5A replication complex inhibitors and NS3 / 4A protease inhibitors - have already been licensed . These new combination therapies have been highly commercially successful and are now regarded as the gold-standard within the treatment algorithm .
Scope :
The escalating hepatitis C public healthcare need has resulted in a competitive market landscape
� What is the pathophysiology of hepatitis C ?
� What are the common co-morbidities and complications ?
� How has the emergence of new drug classes in the past decade impacted the treatment algorithm ?
� What are the most significant unmet needs within the market ?
� The hepatitis C pipeline is relatively large and innovative
� Which molecule types and molecular targets are most prominent within the pipeline ?
� Which first-in-class targets are most promising ?
� How does the ratio of first-in-class targets to first-in-class products differ by stage of development and molecular target class ?
� The hepatitis C deals landscape is highly active
� Do hepatitis C products attract high deal values ?
� Which molecule types and molecular targets dominate the deals landscape ?
� Which first-in-class pipeline products have no prior involvement in licensing or codevelopment deals ?
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First-in-class products account for a relatively small proportion of the hepatitis C pipeline . However , in comparison with historical hepatitis C trends , which saw virtually no first-in-class products approved over a large period up until 2011 , the presence of a modest number of these products is promising . The first-in-class targets identified show considerable diversity , and the high number of novel pathways targeted by first-in-class products provides evidence of enhanced divergence in hepatitis C first-in-class innovation in recent years
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