RES 320 MASTER Career Path Begins/ RES 320 MASTER Career Path Begins/ | Page 6

B. Physiological reactions. C. Physical trace evidence. D. Content analysis. E. None of the above. 20 Counterbalancing attempts to eliminate the confounding effects of order of presentation when subjects are exposed to two or more experimental treatments. 21 External validity refers to the question of whether the experimental treatment was the sole cause of observed changes in the dependent variable. 22 The type of scale utilized in marketing research will determine the form of the statistical analysis. 23 At the race track, to say that a winning ticket pays 40 to 1 for a winning bet indicates a ratio scale. 24 A measurement task that requires respondents to estimate the magnitude of a characteristic or quality that a brand, store, or object possesses is known as: A. Ranking B. Rating C. Sorting D. A choice technique 25 Pre-testing involves administering a sample of a questionnaire to a group of respondents before having them fill out the complete questionnaire.