With people increasingly wanting to harness the power of their
own body weight, Ellen Rowles from Action PR assembles four top
rig tips from EXF’s Matt Leadbitter.
p until quite
recently, rigs
often looked
very similar
to each
other. Mass-produced and
basic, rigs of the past really
failed to capture members’
attention and interest and
could often be overlooked,
despite occupying a
massive piece of real estate
on the gym floor.
However, a functional rig is
one of the most adaptable
pieces of equipment in a
gym. Nowadays, people are
getting much more creative.
One supplier that is paving
the way for creative and
beautiful rigs - that are
also high performing - is
EXF, a bespoke equipment
Matt Leadbitter shared their
top tips with me, starting
with some consideration
about where you want your
rig to take you.
1. Start with the end
in mind
Think about how many
people you would like to use it
at one time and what activities
they need to be able to do
simultaneously. Ensure it can
be easily adapted for each user
group. Small group functional
training sessions, suspension
training classes, PT sessions
and casual use will all see your
rig being used in different ways.
2. Be creative
A functional rig is one
of the most adaptable
pieces of equipment, limited
only by imagination, which is
why it’s so important to stay
focused on user experience
over kit selection.
We’ve fitted rigs to everything
from existing ceiling beams to
internal walls. Don’t settle for
a regular, mass-produced rig
if you’re not convinced it will
make optimum use of space.
3. Keep on top of the
latest trends
At the moment, we’re
seeing a huge trend towards
boxing and the need to
incorporate features which
allow for this style of training
into rigs. One of the most
important considerations when
looking to install accessories
like large punch bags, is how it
fits into the space.
We are also seeing demand
for functional training rigs
to become part of their
surroundings. Rigs are
becoming part of the gym
structure, just like flooring and
walls, blending into a space.
There’s also a huge demand for
fitting and designing functional
training rigs into a group
exercise class setting.
4. Insist on beauty!
With the rig often the
centre piece, how it
looks is as important as how
it performs. Always consider
incorporating storage solutions
for loose items to help keep your
gym floor and rig space tidy.