Effectiveness Comparison:
Hormonal Methods (98.5%) < Sterilization (99%)
- Hormonal methods are very effective, but you still have a chance of getting pregnant, but
sterilization completely prevents pregnancy. The downside of the sterilization is that there is no
way back and you won’t be able to have kids in the future.
Fertility Awareness (93%) > Spermicidal Methods (87%)
- Spermicidal methods are not very effective, of every 100 couples having sex, 13 would get
pregnant, which is a lot, and fertility awareness prevents more, but you still have a high chance
of getting pregnant
Birth Control Pills (97%) > Male Condoms (92.5%)
- Male condoms only work when you use them right, but you have a high risk of getting pregnant
and birth control pills prevent much more than the condoms. But unlike pills, condoms can
somehow protect you against STD´s and pills may not work when taking certain medicines.