Sexually transmitted diseases.
Sexually transmitted diseases are caused by a person’s lack of knowledge about sexual health. They can
vary depending in what caused the disease, a virus, or bacteria. Some diseases are much more problematic than
others because they take much more to be treated or they are permanent. One of the most devastating STDs is
AIDS because a virus causes it and it cannot be cured. People should be aware of the effects of these diseases
and learn which are the ways to prevent getting infected or contracting them
Aids that is the most dangerous disease because a virus causes it and viral STDs cannot be cured
completely. AIDS is the late stage of HIV infection, when a person’s immune system is severely damaged
and has difficulty fighting diseases and certain cancers. Symptoms include: lack of energy, weight
loss, frequent fevers and sweats, persistent or frequent yeast infections, persistent skin rashes or flaky
skin, and short-term memory loss. It is contracted through pregnancy, sexual contact, or even drug use. It
is not curable and it can be barely treated.
Gonorrhea which is a bacterial STD that can be cured with the right medication and it’s symptoms are: A
burning sensation when urinating; A white, yellow, or green discharge from the penis; Painful or swollen
testicles (although this is less common). And it can be contracted via unprotected sexual intercourse. It
can be treated with antibiotics
Syphilis is another type of STD that is also bacterial and it
infects the vagina, penis, rectum, and other parts of the genitals
or reproductive system. It can be cured with the right treatment
of antibiotics and therapy. Symptoms include rashes and reddish
spots and become worse depending on the stage of the disease.