Reports The Use of Spreadsheets in Commodity Trading | Page 9

The Use of Spreadsheets in Commodity Trading – 2015 9 Systems in Use In order to provide additional context to our research, we asked the respondents to identify which CTRM or ERP system they currently used. Quite a number stated that either they didn’t such system or, in some instances, did not wish to respond to the question. Of those who did provide an answer, SAP was the most commonly used system, presumably deployed as an ERP solution. OLF Endur, Triple Point, SunGard Aligne and OLF RightAngle were the most widely used CTRM solutions, but a number of different CTRM and ERP solutions were also identified by the respondents (Figure 8 below). Figure 8 | ERP and CTRM Solutions Use by CommodityPoint and Commodity Technology Advisory in the ETRM and CTRM space when we have asked this question (Figure 9). Of those that have a vendor supplied and supported system, only about 15% of the respondents were able to claim that the implementation of that ERP/CTRM solution had eliminated the widespread use of spreadsheets. A very small number admitted that while extensive spreadsheet use had been initially eliminated, since the implementation of their new system, the use of spreadsheets was once again becoming common and was increasing over time. More tellingly, a majority indicated that implementation of their chosen solution had not eliminated widespread use of spreadsheets and almost a quarter stated that they still use spreadsheets extensively in their organization (Figure 10). No Non e SAP Res pon se OLF End ur Trip le P Sun oint Gar OLF d Align e Rig htan gle Cor nFin Am pho ra In H ous e RO ME AG IBO O Affi nity Sop im Nuc leus ACT Bra dy OAT IA FuT rack Sof tMa r Figure 10 | Elimination of Spreadsheets In terms of user satisfaction with these solutions, a majority of the respondents indicated they were satisfied with their installed products, with about half noting they were “Satisfied” and a further 12% stating they were “Very Satisfied”. About 15% of respondents noted that they were “Unsatisfied”. The overall distribution is very slightly skewed towards unsatisfied a result that is entirely in line with several years of polling data Figure 9 | Satisfaction Ratings The results indicate that while the implementation of a structured software solution will almost always reduce the dependence on spreadsheets, these systems will rarely eliminate their use entirely. Experience has shown that CTRM software is often only an 80% fit to requirements out of the box in the best of circumstances, with the remaining 20% reflecting the widely varying business practices across the industry and the perceived needs of individual users. Essentially, this makes supplementation of the commercial software with convenient tools like spreadsheets difficult to avoid. In our sample however, 15% were able to avoid the use of spreadsheets altogether after implementing a software solution. © Commodity Technology Advisory LLC, 2015, All Rights Reserved.