Reports SourceBook 2017 | Page 6

2017 CTRM SourceBook ComTech’s methodology for constructing the Sourcebook was to distribute a spreadsheet and questionnaire for data collection. The majority of all vendors in the space were invited to submit their information for publication. Those that chose to participate completed and returned the questionnaire, including identifying by commodity and function (or feature) whether their software: 1) has that capability and it is in use by a current user (indicated by green), 2) has that capability available but is not currently used by a client (indicated by yellow) or 3) does not provide that capability (indicated by red) for each function/commodity combination. These were reviewed and edited by ComTech to ensure all vendors conformed to the same standard, and adjustments were made to some vendor responses to ensure consistency among all respondents. The information submitted by the vendors was used to complete the vendor/product listing, along with information collected in other ComTech surveys and research. For information about CTRM vendors that elected to not participate in the production of this SourceBook, please visit