Reports, guides, handbooks Policy Handbook 2021-22 | Page 49

Student Records Policy Statement , No . 515.1
The Superintendent of Schools is the ‘ designated authority ’ for the school district regarding collection , storage and dissemination of information relating to students . In carrying out the duties and responsibilities , the Superintendent :
A . May delegate certain activities relating to student records to administrators and / or counselors .
This policy outlines procedures established to protect the individual student ’ s right to privacy . It outlines :
• who has access to records .
• rights of parents , guardians and students regarding records .
• types of student information available to the public .
• procedures to prohibit release of public information about a student .
B . Shall develop guidelines for the collection , storage and dissemination of student records .
C . Shall execute responsibilities relating to student records in accordance with federal and state laws and regulations and in accordance with established procedures protecting the rights of individuals .
D . Shall provide adequate information to the public relating to the types of records maintained on students , of the procedure and right to inspect student records and of the name of the individual responsible for student records .
E . Shall provide ongoing monitoring and evaluation of the student records system to assure appropriate change relative to federal and state laws and guidelines and the needs of the district .
Use of Peace Officers and Crisis Teams to Remove Students with IEPS From School Grounds , Policy 532.0
POLICY I . PURPOSE The purpose of this policy is to describe the appropriate use of peace officers and crisis teams to remove , if necessary , a student with an individualized education program ( IEP ) from school grounds . II . GENERAL STATEMENT OF POLICY
A . The school district is committed to promoting learning environments that are safe for all members of the school community . It further believes that students are the first priority and that they should be reasonably protected from physical or emotional harm at all school locations and during all school activities .
B . All students are subject to the terms of the school district ’ s discipline policy . Building level administrators have the leadership responsibility to maintain a safe , secure , and orderly educational environment within which learning can occur . Corrective action to discipline a student and / or modify a student ’ s behavior will be taken by staff when a student ’ s behavior violates the school district ’ s discipline policy .
C . If a student with an IEP engages in conduct which , in the judgment of school personnel , endangers or may endanger the health , safety , or property of the student , other students , staff members , or school property , that student may be removed from school grounds in accordance with this policy .
III . The School Board authorizes administration to establish procedures for compliance with this policy . PROCEDURE I . DEFINITIONS
A . “ Student with an IEP ” or “ the student ” means a student who is eligible to receive special education and related services pursuant to the terms of an IEP or an individual interagency intervention plan ( IIIP ).
B . “ Peace officer ” means an employee or an elected or appointed official of a political subdivision or law enforcement agency who is licensed by the Board of Peace Officer Standards and Training , charged with the prevention and detection of crime and the enforcement of general criminal laws of the state and who has the full power of arrest . The term “ peace officer ” includes a person who serves as a sheriff , a deputy sheriff , a police officer , or a state patrol trooper . C . “ Police liaison officer ” is a peace officer who , pursuant to an agreement between the school district and a political subdivision or law enforcement agency , is assigned to a school building for all or a portion of the school day to provide law enforcement assistance and support to the building administration and to promote school safety , security , and positive relationships with students
D . “ Crisis team ” means a group of persons , which may include teachers and non-teaching school personnel , selected by the building administrator in each school building who have received crisis intervention training and are responsible for becoming actively involved with resolving crises . The building administrator or designee shall serve as the leader of the crisis team .
E . The phrase “ remove the student from school grounds ” is the act of securing the person of a student with an IEP and escorting that student from the school building or school activity at which the student with an IEP is located .
F . “ Emergency ” means a situation where immediate intervention is needed to protect a child or other individual ( s ) from physical injury .
G . All other terms and phrases used in this policy shall be defined in accordance with applicable state and federal law or ordinary and customary usage .
A . Removal By Crisis Team If the behavior of a student with an IEP escalates to the point where the student ’ s behavior endangers or may endanger the health , safety , or property of the student , other students , staff members , or school property , the school building ’ s crisis team may be summoned . The crisis team may attempt to de-escalate the student ’ s behavior by means including , but not limited to , those described in the student ’ s IEP and / or behavior intervention plan . When such measures fail , or when the crisis team determines that the student ’ s behavior continues to endanger or may endanger the health , safety , or property of the student , other students , staff members , or school property , the crisis team may remove the student from school grounds .
2021-22 School Handbook ahschools . us / policies 47