A . Any person who believes he or she has been the victim of hazing , or any person with knowledge or belief of conduct which may constitute hazing , shall report the alleged act ( s ) immediately to an appropriate School District official designated by this policy .
B . The building Principal is the person responsible for receiving reports of hazing at the building level . Any person may report hazing directly to the Student Services Coordinator or to an Associate Superintendent .
C . Teachers , administrators , volunteers , contractors , and other school employees of the school district shall be particularly alert to possible situations , circumstances , or events which might include hazing . Any person who receives a report of , observes , or has other knowledge or belief of conduct which may constitute hazing shall inform the building Principal immediately .
D . Submission of a good faith complaint or report of hazing will not affect the complainant or reporter ’ s future employment , grades , or work assignments .
A . Upon receiving a complaint or report of hazing , the School District shall undertake or authorize an investigation by our School District administration or a third party designated by the School District .
B . The School District may take immediate steps , at its discretion , to protect the complainant , reporter , students , or others , pending completion of an investigation of hazing .
C . Upon completion of an investigation , the School District will take appropriate action . Such action may include , but is not limited to , warning , suspension , exclusion , expulsion , transfer , remediation , termination , or discharge . Disciplinary consequences will be sufficiently severe to deter violations and to appropriately discipline prohibited behavior . School District action taken for violation of this policy will be consistent with the requirements of the applicable bargaining agreements , applicable statutory authority , including the Minnesota Pupil Fair Dismissal Act , and other School District policies and regulations . VI . REPRISAL The School District will discipline or take appropriate action against any student , teacher , administrator , volunteer , contractor , or other employee of the School District who retaliates against any person who makes a good faith report of alleged hazing or against any person who testifies , assists , or participates in an investigation or a proceeding or hearing relating to such hazing . Retaliation includes , but is not limited to , any form of intimidation , reprisal or harassment . VII . DISSEMINATION OF POLICY This policy shall appear in each building ’ s student and staff handbook and in the School District ’ s Student Discipline Policy Manual , and in the Administrative Policy Manual . It shall be published annually in a format which shall be accessible to the communities included in this school district .
Non-discrimination of individuals with disabilities policy , No . 402.0
It is the policy of the Anoka-Hennepin School District No . 11 to provide a free and appropriate public education to all handicapped students within its jurisdiction , regardless of the type of handicap or its severity . Students who are handicapped consistent with the definitions set forth in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 will be identified , evaluated , and provided with appropriate instruction and educational services . Persons who are thought to be handicapped shall have the following rights in accordance with Section 504 :
1 . Right to file a grievance with the district concerning allegations of violations of Section 504 regulations . 2 . Right to an evaluation drawing upon different sources . 3 . Right to be informed of any actions pertaining to eligibility and any proposed service plans . 4 . Right to review any personal information in an understandable mode . 5 . Right to periodic evaluations . 6 . Right to evaluation prior to any significant change in services . 7 . Right to contest the district ’ s proposed actions through an impartial hearing . 8 . Right to be represented by counsel in the impartial hearing . 9 . Right to appeal the decision from any hearing .
Policy regarding parental contact with students during the school day , No . 903.2
This policy outlines the procedures parents follow if they need to meet with their child during the school day for an emergency .
The Anoka-Hennepin School District recognizes the rights of both the biological parents of a student to have equal access to communication with their child during the school day . At the same time the District realizes the importance of providing a learning environment for all students that is free of distractions and disruptions . Whenever possible parents / guardians should arrange to meet with and / or talk with their children outside the school day .
In the event of an emergency which requires parental contact with a child during the school day , the parent / guardian should telephone or go to the office of the building principal to :
1 . Request that the child be called to the office to meet with the parent / guardian and / or to speak with the child on the telephone .
2 . The principal or designee may determine if the child may leave class at that time to meet or talk with the parent / guardian .
3 . This policy and the procedures will be implemented equally with all parents / guardians whether custodial or non-custodial . The School District recognizes that disputes often arise between divorced or estranged parents ; however , it is not the arbitrator of these disputes and will not assume that role . Accordingly , the Anoka-Hennepin School District will not enforce custody or parental visitation orders that are not specifically directed at it .