Reports, guides, handbooks Policy Handbook 2021-22 | Page 42

2 . Any District employee who observes an act of harassment , violence or discrimination toward a student shall intervene to attempt to stop the act and shall report it to the appropriate person immediately , or as soon as possible .
3 . Any District employee or student who witnesses or has knowledge or belief of conduct that may be harassment , violence or discrimination toward a student shall inform an administrator , counselor , or student services advocate immediately , or as soon after the incident as possible . A counselor or student services advocate must promptly report the information to an administrator .
4 . The complaint ( verbal or written ) should be reported immediately , or as soon after the incident as possible ; delays between the date of the alleged incident and the reporting date may make investigations more difficult .
5 . The school board designates the Title IX Coordinator / Equity Coordinator to monitor and receive student reports or complaints of harassment , violence and discrimination against students : Title IX Coordinator / Equity Coordinator Mailing address : 2727 North Ferry Street , Anoka , MN 55303 Telephone : ( 763 ) 506-1000 Email : titleIXcoordinator @ ahschools . us
6 . The school board designates the 504 Coordinator to monitor and receive student reports or complaints of disability harassment , violence and discrimination : 504 Coordinator Mailing address : 2727 North Ferry Street , Anoka , MN 55303 Telephone : ( 763 ) 506-1000 Email : 504coordinator @ ahschools . us
7 . If the complaint involves an administrator , the complaint should be filed directly with the Title IX / Equity Coordinator , who will advise the Superintendent . If a complaint involves the Title IX / Equity Coordinator , the complaint shall be filed directly with the superintendent . If the complaint involves the superintendent , the complaint shall be filed directly with the school board : Mailing address : 2727 North Ferry Street , Anoka , MN 55303 Telephone : ( 763 ) 506-1000 Email : schoolboard @ ahschools . us
8 . If the complaint involves a school board member , the complaint shall be filed directly with the school board chair : Mailing address : 2727 North Ferry Street , Anoka , MN 55303 Telephone : ( 763 ) 506-1000 Email : schoolboard @ ahschools . us
9 . If the complaint involves the school board chair , the complaint shall be filed directly with the school board vice chair : Mailing address : 2727 North Ferry Street , Anoka , MN 55303 Telephone : ( 763 ) 506-1000 Email : schoolboard @ ahschools . us
10 . Nothing in this policy shall prevent any person from reporting harassment , violence , or discrimination directly to the Title IX Coordinator / Equity Coordinator or to the superintendent : Superintendent , Anoka Hennepin School District Mailing address : 2727 North Ferry Street , Anoka , MN 55303 Telephone : ( 763 ) 506-1000 Email : superintendent @ ahschools . us
11 . Although the district encourages the reporting student to use the report form set forth in this policy , use of formal reporting forms is not required . Oral reports shall be considered complaints as well . The form is available in the counseling and administrative office of each school , the district office , and on the district ’ s website at : http :// www . ahschools . us / complaintform Alternative , accessible means of filing a complaint , such as through a personal interview or by tape recording , will be made available for individuals with disabilities .
B . Investigation – Students
1 . Upon receipt of a report or complaint , the district shall promptly undertake or authorize an investigation . The investigation will be completed within thirty days from receipt of the complaint , unless impracticable .
2 . The investigation may , as appropriate , consist of personal interviews with the alleged target , the reporter ( if someone other than the alleged target ), the individual ( s ) against whom the complaint is filed , and others who may have knowledge of the alleged incident ( s ) or circumstances giving rise to the complaint . The investigation may also consist of any other methods and documents deemed pertinent by the investigator .
3 . In determining whether alleged conduct constitutes a violation of this policy , the district will consider the age and level of understanding of the student ( s ) involved , the facts and surrounding circumstances , the nature of the behavior , past incidents or past or continuing patterns of behavior , the relationships between the parties involved and the context in which the alleged incidents occurred . Whether a particular action or incident constitutes a violation of this policy requires a determination based on all the facts and surrounding circumstances .
4 . The district may , at its discretion , take immediate steps , based on the severity of the allegations , to protect the parties involved in the complaint process pending completion of an investigation .
5 . The intentional filing of a false report will be considered to be a violation of the student discipline policy .
C . School District Action – Students 1 . The investigator shall document his or her findings within five school days of concluding the investigation .
2 . Upon conclusion of the investigation and receipt of the findings , and if harassment is found to have occurred , the district will take appropriate and effective action with respect to the target and the offender , and document the action taken . If the investigator determined that a violation of this policy has occurred , such appropriate action may include , but is not limited to , an education component , alternative dispute resolution , training , counseling , warning , class transfer , suspension , expulsion , or transfer . If both the target and the alleged offender agree to attempt to mediate the complaint using the school ’ s formal mediation process , this will be encouraged .
D . Timelines and Notification to Parents / Guardians 1 . The parent ( s )/ guardian ( s ) of the target and / or the alleged offenders of bullying , harassment , violence or discrimination
40 ahschools . us / policies 2021-22 School Handbook