J . Sexual Violence . Sexual violence is a physical act of aggression or force or the threat thereof that involves the touching of another person ’ s intimate parts , or forcing a person to touch any person ’ s intimate parts . Intimate parts , as defined in Minn . Stat . § 609.341 , includes the primary genital area , groin , inner thigh , buttocks or breast , as well as the clothing covering these areas . Sexual violence may include , but is not limited to : 1 . touching , patting , grabbing , or pinching another person ’ s intimate parts , whether that person is of the same sex or the opposite sex ;
2 . coercing , forcing or attempting to coerce or force the touching of anyone ’ s intimate parts ;
3 . coercing , forcing or attempting to coerce or force sexual intercourse or a sexual act on another ; or
4 . threatening to force or coerce sexual acts , including the touching of intimate parts or intercourse , on another .
K . Racial , Color , Creed or National Origin Violence . Racial violence is a physical act of aggression or force , an assault , or the threat thereof , that is directed toward a student or employee based on their perceived or actual race , color , creed , or national origin .
L . Religious Violence . Religious violence is a physical act of aggression or force , an assault , or the threat thereof , that is directed toward a student or employee based on their perceived or actual religion .
M . Disability Violence . Disability violence is a physical act of aggression or force , an assault , or the threat thereof , that is directed toward a student or employee based on a perceived or actual disability .
N . Other Protected Class Violence . Other Protected Class violence is a physical act of aggression or assault on another based on their actual or perceived protected class status .
O . Assault is : 1 . an act done with intent to cause fear in another of immediate bodily harm or death ; 2 . the intentional infliction of or attempt to inflict bodily harm on another ; or 3 . the threat to do bodily harm to another with present ability to carry out the threat . II . GENERAL REPORTING PROCEDURES
A . The adoption and implementation of a proper reporting system will help the district comply with the Minnesota Human Rights Act and federal law by ensuring that the district promptly addresses allegations of harassment and violence .
B . Pursuant to Title IX , each district must designate at least one employee ( Title IX Coordinator ) to coordinate its efforts to comply with and carry out its responsibilities under the regulations , including Title IX complaint investigations . 34 C . F . R § 106.8 ( a ).
C . Each district must also publish grievance procedures providing for prompt and equitable resolution of sex discrimination complaints , including complaints of sexual harassment . In addition , under Section 504 and Title II , districts are required to have grievance procedures to address disability harassment .
D . Minnesota Statutes section 121A . 03 requires that districts have reporting procedures for sexual , religious , and racial harassment and / or violence complaints . 1 . For purposes of meeting the state reporting requirements , the following reporting procedures will be made available for district employees and students who wish to report an incident or incidents that may involve harassment , violence or discrimination based on actual or perceived race , color , creed , religion , national origin , sex / gender , marital status , familial status , disability , status with regard to public assistance , sexual orientation , age , family care leave status or veteran status .
2 . The district personnel designated in this policy are to receive oral or written complaints and reports of harassment , violence or discrimination based on race , color , creed , religion , national origin , sex / gender , marital status , familial status , disability , status with regard to public assistance , sexual orientation , age , family care leave status or veteran status . III . REPORTING PROCEDURES FOR INCIDENTS OF HARASSMENT AND / OR DISCRIMINATION AGAINST DISTRICT EMPLOYEES
A . Reporting Complaints
1 . Any District employee who believes he or she has experienced harassment , violence or discrimination on the basis of his or her actual or perceived race , color , creed , religion , national origin , sex / gender , marital status , familial status , disability , status with regard to public assistance , sexual orientation , age , family care leave status or veteran status , or any person with knowledge or belief of conduct which may constitute harassment , violence or discrimination , should report the alleged acts immediately , or as soon as possible , to an appropriate district official designated by this policy .
2 . Although the district encourages the alleged target or other reporting party to use the report form set forth in this policy , use of the formal reporting form is not required . Oral reports shall be considered complaints as well . The form is available from the principal of each building , the district office , and on the district ’ s website . Upon request for qualified persons with a disability , alternative means of filing a complaint , such as through a personal interview or by tape recording , will be made available .
3 . In the District . The school board designates the Director of Employee Services as the district human rights officer to receive employee reports or complaints of harassment , violence and discrimination at : Mailing address : 2727 North Ferry Street , Anoka , MN 55303 Telephone : ( 763 ) 506-1000 Email : humanrightsofficer @ ahschools . us If the complaint involves the human rights officer , the complaint shall be filed directly with the superintendent at : Mailing address : 2727 North Ferry Street , Anoka , MN 55303 Telephone : ( 763 ) 506-1000 Email : superintendent @ ahschools . us