Policy in Practice : School Bus Discipline Rules and Regulations The following rules and regulations have been adopted by the Anoka-Hennepin District 11 School Board . It is hoped that these guidelines will help us to provide safe transportation to and from school for your student . Students should be at the bus stop five minutes prior to the scheduled time . As per Minnesota Statute 123B . 90 “ Riding a school bus is a privilege , not a right ”. Students who have the opportunity to ride district school buses may do so as long as they display behavior that is reasonable and safe . Choosing to engage in unacceptable behavior will result in loss of bus service . The bus driver is responsible for the safety and discipline of students on the bus . The building principal is available to give assistance to the driver and will determine the consequences of misbehavior , and the reinstatement of bus service for the offending student ( s ) should a suspension become necessary . A suspension applies to all buses unless otherwise designated by school officials . The responsibility for student supervision by the district shall begin when the student boards the bus in the morning and is retained until the child leaves the bus at the end of the day , or until released to the parent / guardian in a manner consistent with guidelines on release of students .
Under the Laws and Rules for the Operation of School Buses in the State of Minnesota , it is stated “… no materials , including guns , loaded or unloaded ; gasoline cans , empty or full ; animals or any other object of dangerous or objectionable nature are transported in the school bus when children are being transported .” Cell phone use , along with the use of digital or video photography is strictly prohibited on the bus . Band instruments that will be allowed on the bus are those that are small enough to be held in the student ’ s lap . Instruments may not be in the aisle or take the space of a student . Hockey sticks , lacrosse sticks , golf clubs , sleds , or any other unacceptable recreational equipment will not be allowed on regular buses . Ice skates , skate shoes , skateboards , in-line skates , and bats will not be allowed in the bus unless enclosed in an athletic-type canvas bag or are otherwise inaccessible . Damage to personal items is not covered by the bus contractor ’ s / district ’ s insurance coverage .
ASSIGNED BUSES ONLY Students are assigned to buses and bus stops . No change in either bus or stop is permitted without change in either bus or stop is permitted without transportation department authorization . Temporary changes may be made by school administrators for authorized emergencies only . Failure to ride the assigned bus to / from the assigned bus stop may jeopardize the safety of students and may result in disciplinary action .
Behavior Guidelines and Consequences |
1 . |
Spitting |
2 . |
Excessive noise |
3 . |
Horseplay / mischief / distracting behavior |
4 . |
Eating / drinking / littering on bus |
5 . Leaving seat / standing without permission from driver 6 . Use of liquid containers in any form
7 . Profanity , verbal abuse , harassment , obscene gestures or possession of unacceptable material
8 . False identification / refusal to identify oneself 9 . Riding unassigned bus or using unassigned bus stop 10 . Opening window past safety line 11 . Riding or attempting to ride any bus during a bus suspension 12 . Disobedience to the driver / para-educator / bus patrol 13 . Cell phone use 14 . Other offenses as reported by the driver or principal CLASS II OFFENSES 1 . Hanging out of windows 2 . Throwing / shooting of any object 3 . Bullying and / or physical aggression against any person 4 . Profanity / threats directed toward bus driver / paraprofessional 5 . Possession / use of tobacco or any controlled substance 6 . Vandalism to bus ( restitution will be made )
7 . Holding onto or attempting to hold onto any portion of the exterior of the bus or any “ Danger Zone ” infringement
8 . Lighting of matches , lighters or any flammable object or substance
9 . Unauthorized entering or leaving bus through emergency exit / tampering with the bus equipment
10 . Possession or threat of weapons / explosives / flammables 11 . Other offenses as reported by the driver or principal 12 . Possession / use of laser pens or pointers
13 . Any offense committed on any bus outside of regular transportation to and from school ( activity , field trip , shuttles , etc ) will carry a minimum penalty of a Class II first offense .
Consequences of Bus Offenses
CLASS I 1st Offense : Warning or 1-5 days suspension 2nd Offense : 1-10 days suspension 3rd Offense : 1 . 5-10 day min . suspension 2 . Possible loss of all bus service 3 . Parent / Principal meeting / optional 4th Offense : Loss of bus service
CLASS II 1st Offense : 5 days suspension 2nd Offense : 10 days suspension 3rd Offense : 1 . 10 day min . suspension 2 . Possible loss of all bus service 3 . Parent / Principal meeting / optional 4th Offense : Loss of bus service
The bus and the bus stop are extension of the school day . Bus and bus stop consequences may be superseded by district policy . The bus driver has the authority to assign seats . The sexual / racial / religious harassment policy , weapons policy , and bullying policy will be strictly enforced on the school bus as well as at school . Video cameras may be used on school buses .